ArmaSkin News  January 2023

ArmaSkin News January 2023

ArmaSkin News
Laura took this great picture from Byron Bay Lighthouse.

Bear Mountain Trail Runner  (USA)

Bear Mountain Trail Runner in ArmaSkin

Based out of Bear Mountain, NY, Bear Mountain Trail Runners (BMTR) is an amateur running group for all skill levels and from all walks of life!

Brad, a member of BMTR is an avid trail runner and an ArmaSkin Ambassador. He can often be found exploring the gorgeous and sometimes chilly trails of Bear Mountain.

Brad is passionate about the outdoors and the physical and mental benefits that come with trail running. He values the sense of freedom and connection to nature that running in the mountains provides as well as the friendly atmosphere shared with fellow runners. Always on the lookout for high-quality gear, ArmaSkin is his go to protection to prevent blisters on those rugged trail runs. 

Here's a link if you'd like more information on the Bear Mountain Trail Runners


Trek2Reconnect  (Australia)

Trek2Reconnect in ArmaSkin

Only a matter of days before Lizz Hills starts her amazing quest to walk across Australia! Trek2Reconnect!

A key goal for Lizz, a trained educator, is to make stops along the way to help reconnect young students to the wonders of the great outdoors and the importance of protecting nature and the planet.

Starting in Australia's hot summertime will test Lizz's fitness and planning. From the 28th of January the start day she will experience temperatures around 30 C (that's the high 80s F) and humidity of about 70%.  A few days in there are thunderstorms predicted! Have fun Lizz!! 

You can support the Trek in whatever way works for you. A small gesture of sharing this post with someone you think might be interested would be great! Just reach out and say G'day  You can learn more at

ArmaSkin is delighted to be chosen as Lizz's primary sock for blister prevention.

She will be sharing her journey via Trek2Reconnect on Instagram.  Why not give her a follow and a word of encouragement.

No cramping these ArmaSkin fans (Australia)

Fixx and ArmaSkin

We heard from partners Jan and Michelle who are avid runners.  While spending most of their times on the trails they've both completed marathon distances and as reported under his somewhat self-deprecating handle of FatBoyRunstheWorld Jan completed the Berlin Marathon last year.

Jan recently purchased his first pair of ArmaSkin and was suitably impressed, so we are looking forward to hearing more from him.

Jan and Michelle are founders of an Aussie business call FIXX Nutrition (who would've thought given the pic?)

CrampFix is their signature product which offers very fast relief from muscle cramps. Originally developed for professional rugby players, CrampFix is sold in 1000+ retailers in Australia and is exported to 15 countries.


Want to become an ArmaSkin Ambassador?

If you are a regular reader of ArmaSkin News you'll see that we have a very active group of ArmaSkin Ambassadors. 

In this edition there are contributions from our Ambassadors; Laura, Kerry, Sharon, Molly  and Brad.

These are folks who love life and the outdoors!  We came to know them because of their enthusiasm for ArmaSkin for ensuring happy feet.

If you like sharing your outdoor adventures and of course are a fan of ArmaSkin you might like to become an ArmaSkin Ambassador too! 

Please let us know if you are interested (email ).  We will be announcing 2023 Ambassadors shortly.


Bright colours at Rumpff Saddle  (Australia)

Gum in ArmaSkin

Molly and her partner Zacc were out on the Australian Alps Walking Track ~ Section 5: ~125kms, 5 days, Mt Hotham - Rumpff Saddle when Molly captured this iconic Australian Gum among the wildflowers.

Of late Molly has been super active on the trails and posting informative reports via her Instagram @_bright_molly


Mitta Mitta Sunrise (Australia)

Mitta Mitta Sunrise in ArmaSkin

As every hiker knows, some times are particularly magical.  Those times are often as the light of sunrise or sunset plays on the landscape.

Here's one of those moments from Kerry who was hiking in Mitta Mitta.

The sun is rising, the sky is being transformed from the dull grey of night to a brilliant yellow. The vibrant colour and warmth will soon be chasing away the mist in the paddocks.

And, the leaves on the trees along the fence line, silhouetted in the light, appear to be sparkling. 

Thanks for capturing the moment for us to share Kerry.


Cruisin' along in a fun run (Australia)

Surfin with Sharon

Mountain to Surf - always a great run!

And for Sharon, one of our ArmaSkin Ambassadors, this is an enjoyable fun run.

The Lorne Mountain to Surf is a eye catching 8km run starting in Lorne and continuing through the forest and then along the Great Ocean Road and finishing at the Lorne Surf Life Saving Club.



MONTHLY opportunity to win FREE ArmaSkin -

please share your picture stories with us.

Stories from you, the happy wearers of ArmaSkin, are our most powerful learning and marketing tool. We thus encourage you to tell us about your experiences and adventures with ArmaSkin.

For your chance to win your choice of a pair of ArmaSkin liner socks simply #ArmaSkin in an online post or email a picture of you on the go using an ArmaSkin product together with a short comment about the picture. 

If the picture is featured in an edition of ArmaSkin News the monthly prize is yours.  

This month's winner is Jan who gave a shout out to ArmaSkin on his insta page.

 That pic of yours could be a winner!  Do it now!


Watch this space for 2023

  • Yukon 2020
  • Camino
  • A new ArmaSkin logo ... maybe
  • New ArmaSkin packaging ... maybe
  • An ArmaSkin knee sleeve.



Anyone who gets this deep into the
ArmaSkin News deserves a reward!
Use code  News2023  for your 20% SPECIAL discount till
1 February 2023.

Click here to SHOP NOW

ArmaSkin is Australia's own top selling, locally made,

anti-blister liner sock.



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