ArmaSkin socks features

  • SiFusion

    ArmaSkin liner socks utilise proprietary Silicone Fusion (SiFusion) technology to generate novel performance characteristics in the skin, liner sock and outer sock combination.

  • Silicone

    The inner surface is a fine, porous coating of silicone. This holds firm against the skin while the non-treated external surface of the ArmaSkin is very smooth, allowing external movement to be deflected instead of being transferred to the skin layers as destructive shear forces.

  • Hydrophobic

    The silicone layer is also hydrophobic, ie water hating, which means that moisture, ie sweat or river water, is pushed to the outside of the liner sock to be wicked away by the outer sock.

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Useful information

ArmaSkin liner socks are worn under your normal socks. They are your choice for blister prevention because they take the edge off the key causes of skin damage.

SIZING CHARTS are provided via this link, or below and as images for each product.

DISCOUNTS are often included in our ArmaSkin News blog and offered by ArmaSkin Ambassadors. PLUS for overseas orders of 3 pairs or more freight is FREE.

WASHING Armaskin is simply to add them to your normal wash.

Whether it is foot blister prevention or skin chafing we deliver more comfort and efficiency. That sounds better, doesn’t it?

You can PURCHASE ArmaSkin on-line from our Shop.

To learn more about our technology, SiFusion, and wearing ArmaSkin for best effect here's some detailed information.

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