ArmaSkin News July 2021

ArmaSkin News July 2021

ArmaSkin News July 2021Wilderness Sports (NSW)

We are super excited to have a new ArmaSkin reseller, Wilderness Mountain Sports who are located in Jindabyne NSW at the foot of the Kosciuszko National Park.

Exploring the Kosciuszko back country is one of cross country skiing's great joys.  Add on exploring the main range and surrounding hills and valleys and seeking out the solitude that the National Park offers adds to the experience.

In the off season there are scenic hikes and camping under the stars or exploring caves, From Jindabyne to Tumut, NSW's largest national park will keep you busy for a weekend or for weeks. Ski or snowboard the highest runs in the country at Thredbo and Perisher. Try cross-country skiing. Hike to the summit of Mount Kosciuszko, or descend underground to magical Yarrangobilly Caves.

There are historic huts, dazzling wildflowers, and awe-inspiring lookout views to discover.  And of course it is also home to Mt Kosciuszko, Australia's highest mountain. 

Wilderness Mountain Sports hire gear as well as being a retailer of top shelf equipment.  They can help fit you out and even provide guided tours or a variety of training courses.

They have expertise in Telemark Skiing also known as Freeheel. They also provide lessons in Nordic lessons and Cross Country.

If you are heading towards Kosciuszko please check them out!  Here's a link to their website.


PCT warm up!

ArmaSkin Ambassador Meegana completed her end-to-end hike of the Long Trail in Vermont (Massachusetts to the Canada border).   "Maybe I’m getting older but this trail kicked my ass!"

But after:
"Falling in mud on day 1
Raw hips
The 2nd harshest summit weather I’ve ever encountered
Rock scrambles and butt scoots on slick rocks
12 days without a shower
Walking extra miles because of dried out water sources

We did it.
We had:
Trail magic 6 times in those 12 days
Gorgeous views for miles on two summits
Butterflies on our sweaty gear
Singing on trail
One day had 5 separate multiples in one shelter (twin/triplets)
Mountain sunset views over Lake Champlain
Washed my hair in the rain
Carlton Danced on Carlton Mountain
Met halfway between the equator and North Pole by the northern terminus
Stayed cool and kept most bugs away from the 10/12 days of rain.

The appreciation for the trail never goes away. The bruises will heal. The memories will last forever.

Thank you to everyone who makes long trails possible. The dedication to the trail is a huge commitment with wide aspects of trail maintenance and care I can’t begin to list.

Onward to the PCT my friends!"

 In time she's likely to be posting PCT images on her Instagram page @meegana.hikes

Toe Socks Update

ArmaSkin Toe Socks

ArmaSkin Toe Socks have been in the field for about 6 months now and we are starting to get feedback.

Perhaps the most relevant hints for new users are:

Check out the video for putting them on produced by Hayley at Set To Hike

Because we all have toes of varying sizes be prepared to leave a little bit of excess of one or more of the toe sleeves at the tip of the toe.

The most important fitting check remains that of having the heel seams sitting neatly around the heel. This avoids over stretching the ArmaSkin, and prevents the liner sock being too tight on the webbing between your  toes.  


We are very keen to receive more feedback from our customers on the Toe Socks before we expand promotion as well as consider introducing long or white versions.  Please drop an email to with your feedback.


Side hustles!

We like to keep in touch with our ArmaSkin community.  Of late we've noticed a few side hustles being undertaken.  Some are to help save for big hiking challenges, others are just to help pay the bills.  But notably they all seem to involve a creative streak.

We are listing a few here which we consider great gift ideas because they are novel, outdoors related and affordable. And of course from legit folks having a go!

Kieara in Missouri has been creating neat artworks which she has been making available across a range of products from original works to stickers. Contact Kieara directly via Insta message.

Bec, in Melbourne is using her art and business skills by featuring her iconic wildlife art on a range of products, from decorative stickers to t-shirts.  You can check her SHOP HERE, or email us for more info.

Kane, also in Melbourne has been handcrafting leather key rings as another product for his growing hiking related business Get Outside Melbourne.

Have you got an interesting side hustle you'd like us to know about?


Something new ???

ArmaSkin liner socks

Johan from Operators Coffee Club in Denmark has found a new feature of the Armaskin Anti Blister Socks.

On a recent long hike he twisted both ankles on the very rugged rock garten path sections in Jotunheimen and needed to apply sports tape (KT Tape) to support his ankles to keep going with his backpacking trek.

After applying the sports tape to the skin and then putting on the Armaskins, he found they protected the taping ends and secured them from getting loosened when putting on his outer socks and boots and continuing his journey. This ensured full and robust effect of the sports tape over the balance of the hike. 

And yes! They are khaki ArmaSkin. Through a special arrangement with ArmaSkin we manufacture from time to time a batch of khaki ArmaSkin for the Danish Special Forces.

Would you like us to offer khaki more widely?

If you can't wait you can order via Operators Coffee Club

   USA Amazon   

As we noted in the last edition we were looking for a new agent to manage our Amazon USA sales. 

Happily a new agent has been identified and they will be receiving stock to replenish the Amazon Fulfilment Warehouses.  We understand that the Amazon pipeline has been hampered by Covid but we hopefully will see stock there by the end of August.  

Frankly we like to keep in touch with all our customers directly and using Amazon has the downside that Amazon locks customer information away for its own use.  So please don't hesitate to contact us directly with your stories or questions about ArmaSkin.  And in particular please send us your adventure pics.

We are sorry if the temporary stock out situation on Amazon has caused you difficulties.  In the meantime please order on and we will endeavour to get deliveries to you in as little time as possible.

We will be announcing our new USA Reseller soon.

OxFam Trailwalker (Melbourne and Sydney)

OxFam Trailwalker with ArmaSkin for no blisters

We are pleased to announce that we are supporting Oli Strollers as well as Girls weekend away 2.0 in the coming Melbourne OxFam Trailwalker.

We'd love to hear from other Teams especially if they are in NSW.

If you are entering a Team please get in touch,, and we'll see what we can do to help your efforts.

Oxfam Trailwalker Sydney

Friday 3- Sunday 5 September
Oxfam Trailwalker Melbourne
Friday 8 - Sunday 10 October

For more details visit

ArmaSkin News Reader's Special

Who would like a quick discount on ArmaSkin?

Use code JulyNews20 for your 20% discount till 1 August!

Click here to SHOP NOW


Happy 40th Birthday to WILD

WILD Magazine has turned 40!  Over those 40 years WILD has delivered 180 issues with glorious colour features on Wild Adventures centring on Australia but including international adventures.

In this Special Anniversary edition you'll find:

  • Wild’s 40-year history.
  • Photo essay: 40 years of Wild Adventures
  • Backcountry skiing in Tasmania
  • Track Notes: Mt Zeil, How to climb the Northern Territory’s highest peak.
  • plus much more

Here's a link if you'd like to get a WILD subscription for you or a friend.


ArmaSkin Hiking Magazine :
This is a FREE curated collection of Hiking articles!


If you are a BLOGGER or have an interest in reaching this community, we might very well include your material in our Magazine for free.    Just email to discuss.


MONTHLY opportunity to win FREE ArmaSkin -

please share your picture stories with us.

Stories from you, the happy wearers of ArmaSkin, are our most powerful learning and marketing tool.  We thus encourage you to tell us about your experiences and adventures with ArmaSkin.

For your chance to win your choice of a pair of ArmaSkin liner socks simply email :    a picture of you on the go using an ArmaSkin product together with a short comment about the picture.  Or you can #ArmaSkin in a social media post that could come to our attention.

If the picture is featured in a 2021 edition of ArmaSkin News the monthly prize is yours. 

So easy to enter!!!!!   Have a go!!!    You could be a winner!!!

ArmaSkin is Australia's own top selling, locally made, anti-blister liner sock.

ArmaSkin Liner Socks

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