ArmaSkin News September 2021

ArmaSkin News September 2021

ArmaSkin atop Mt Elbrus

ArmaSkin Ambassadors are a great bunch of people!

You'll find them on the positive side of messages about hiking, climbing, running and life in general.

In September, two of our super active ArmaSkin Ambassadors, Alaina and Aditya Rajagopal ticked off a box on their multi year quest to tackle the Seven Summits, Mt Elbrus, Russia, 5,642 m (18,510 ft) (see lead pic)

The Seven Summits are composed of the highest mountain peaks of each of the continents. Different lists include slight variations, but generally the same core is maintained : Everest, Aconcagua, Denali, Kilimanjaro, Elbrus, Vinson, and the final one for mainland Australia is Mount Kosciuszko.

And can you believe, an American couple travelling to Russia at a time of major international travel upheaval due to Covid?  Are these folks for real?  

Well it is fair to say that they have paid their dues and deserve a break!  Alaina is an Emergency Medicine Physician on the Covid front lines in a busy Californian hospital. She also became a new Mum in 2020 and started podcasting as Emergency Docs. Aditya, the inventor of a technology enabling highspeed laboratory testing of samples for virus bio markers Chromacode enabled hundreds of thousands of speedy and vital Covid test results over 20/21.

Alaina said, "We’re using our climb to support the women and girls of  Afghan Ascend. Please consider donating to get these incredible female Please consider donating to get these incredible female climbers the help they need." 

On18th September, after leaving at just after midnight, the hike through ice and snow for the remaining 5000ft elevation was achieved.   They arrived at the peak, elated, "very tired and no blisters!"

Congratulations to a super twosome!

A longer version of this report with additional pics is in our Blog


Wilderness and Expedition Conf now ONLINE

We are pleased to be sponsoring the Australasian Wilderness & Expedition Medicine Society Conference.
The AWEMS mission is to be the Australasian peak body that provides guidance and oversight for excellence in the provision of medical care in remote and austere environments.

The AWEMS ONLINE Conference : Medicine in the Elements runs from 15–17th October 2021  This is a great opportunity for folks to participate from all over the globe via ON-LINE.   

Don’t Let Blisters Slow You Down!

Discover the ultimate solution with ArmaSkin Anti-Blister Socks. Designed with advanced friction-reducing technology, these socks keep your feet dry, comfortable, and blister-free – no matter the challenge.

Shop Now


Meegana's PCT / Progress?   Turn right at Oregon!!

Meegana had been tackling the Pacific Crest Trail southbound since July, But as a consequence of the PCT closure due to fires, Meegana changed her route south to the Oregon Coast. 

The Oregon Coast Trail (OCT) runs 362-mile (584km) from the top of Oregon/Washington border at the Columbia River to the Oregon/California Border. The trail includes roughly, 

  • 50% beach walking
  • 40 % road walking
  • 9 % trail and
  • 1 % railroad

The OCT traverses sandy beaches, meanders through forest-shaded corridors, traverses majestic headlands and passes through 28 coastal towns.

Meegana has been happily surprised, "I never imagined doing a coast trail, I’ve always been a mountains type of girl but I’m loving every moment out here"

Here's an instagram report from  @meegana.hikes  for Friday September 10th
"Out of the campground before sunrise. The jetty had crosses on it - giving memory to those lost locally at sea. The first mile on the 101 had no shoulder - thankful for the one mile hitch off of it - it was starting to rain. Skipped the rest of the 101 by taking the railroad! I’ve never hiked on one a long distance but this was out of service starting from the end of town onward. Found tons of blackberries and even apples, went over a few cool and 1 sketchy bridge -btw railroad bridges sometimes have large gaps in between the pieces of wood - so you can see down to your death, road walked past a bunch of barns and walked down an abandoned road. It was so creepy and cool! It was a landslide area and the road looked like it has been struck by an earthquake. ..... talked to a local surfer who gave his info in case a spot to camp was needed but informed about a secret spot on a small cliff. So now I’m camping at this small cliff with a gorgeous view of the sunset"

Hinchinbrook Island National Park


Australia has a wealth of fabulous hiking experiences.

Anna from Brisbane has alerted us to Hinchinbrook Island, a picturesque getaway, tucked between Cairns and Townsville, eight kilometres off the Queensland coast at Cardwell.

The island’s cloud-covered mountains support fragile heath vegetation. Rainforest and eucalypt forest descend to a mangrove-lined channel in the west with bays, beaches and rocky headlands along the east coast.

Anna took time out on the four day Thorsborne trail.  Over 32km, one way, the trail embraces the wilderness on this renowned National Park that explores sweeping bays, deserted beaches, heath-cloaked peaks and majestic waterfalls.  


Kiss Ski Blisters Goodbye: Armaskin Socks Rock!

Thanks to Snowaction -September 8, 2021 for this write up.

Armaskin blister prevention socks are a smart Aussie invention that work for skiing as well or better than for a host of other feet-pounding activities.

Bruce Easton from Wilderness Sports Jindabyne saw their potential for winter sports this April. They ticked a lot of ski boxes – blister prevention, keeping your feet dry, preventing chafing, insulation to name four very handy properties.

He decided to give them a test in the early snow in May. They passed that with flying colours, so he stocked them in and the word has been spreading as more and more skiers discover the difference Armaskin’s proprietary Silcone-Fusion (SiFusion) technology makes.

Bruce said, "The more you ski, the more you are likely to get them. That is multiplied for any earn-your-turns back and side country skiing involving skinning and/or hiking."

Bruce also gave Steve Leeder, who works as a guide and ski tech at Wilderness, a pair to try, and after initial doubts, Steve found they moulded to his feet nicely and importantly, " IT’S ANOTHER WIN. NO HOT SPOTS, NO BLISTERS AND NO PAIN. "

OxFam Trailwalker (Melbourne)

Sadly, due to the continuing clean-up following the devastating storm that swept through the Dandenong Ranges in June, and ongoing uncertainty around COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions in Melbourne, Oxfam Trailwalker Melbourne has been postponed.

Key parts of the Melbourne trail are located in the Dandenong Ranges National Park, which was heavily impacted by severe storms on 9 June. With large parts of the park currently closed, Oxfam is unable to undertake necessary planning for delivery of a safe event.

The extensive damage and ongoing risk of falling trees means we cannot guarantee that the track will be clear and safe in time for the event this year. This, coupled with potential restrictions and strategies in Melbourne to help stop the spread of COVID-19, makes it impossible for us to proceed with the event in October.

This will come as disappointing news – and we are equally disappointed. But your health, safety and wellbeing, and that of our support crews, volunteers and staff is our paramount concern.

While we can’t hold the event this October, we hope you’ll join us on the trail to tackle poverty together next year, on 25 - 27 March 2022.

For more details visit

 Who would like a quick discount on ArmaSkin?
Use code SeptemberNews for your 20% discount till 1 September

FOR THE AVID HIKER:  ArmaSkin Hiking Magazine :
This is a FREE curated collection of Hiking articles!
If you would like to get a regular dose of FREE articles for hikers please subscribe to our online ArmaSkin Hiking Magazine.


If you are a BLOGGER or have an interest in reaching this community, we might very well include your material in our Magazine for free.    Just email to discuss.


MONTHLY opportunity to win FREE ArmaSkin -

please share your picture stories with us.

Stories from you, the happy wearers of ArmaSkin, are our most powerful learning and marketing tool.  We thus encourage you to tell us about your experiences and adventures with ArmaSkin.

For your chance to win your choice of a pair of ArmaSkin liner socks simply email :    a picture of you on the go using an ArmaSkin product together with a short comment about the picture.  Or you can #ArmaSkin in a social media post that could come to our attention.

If the picture is featured in a 2021 edition of ArmaSkin News the monthly prize is yours. 

This month's winner is Anna who took ArmaSkin to Hinchinbrook Island.

So easy to enter!!!!!   Have a go!!!    You could be a winner!!!



ArmaSkin is Australia's own top selling, locally made,
anti-blister liner sock.

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