Partnerships and Resellers
There are many ways you can work with ArmaSkin to help spread the word on this remarkable product.
Ambassador Program
Each calendar year ArmaSkin refreshes its Ambassador Program. In simple terms the invited Ambassadors receive access to substantial reduced prices in return for the ability for us to share media about the Ambassadors’ exploits.
Our current Ambassadors are featured on our Heroes page. If you would like to apply to become an Ambassador please email
Sponsored challenges
When ArmaSkin sees a major challenge matched with a worthy cause we often can provide assistance via substantially discounted product as well as use of our media network to promote the cause. To explore this opportunity simply email to start discussions.
Prizes for events
ArmaSkin will consider opportunities for joint benefit for raising awareness of ArmaSkin while providing prizes to support fundraising events. To explore this opportunity simply email to start discussions.
Sharing media
All ArmaSkin customers are invited to share images and stories from their journeys while wearing ArmaSkin. This sharing may be done by emailing directly to us or by including #ArmaSkin in Twitter or Instagram posts. Should a shared image be featured in our ArmaSkin News then that will likely result in a free pair of ArmaSkin.
ArmaSkin is establishing an international marketplace for our products. We currently have resellers in a number of countries and invite inquiries. Currently our resellers include:
Wilderness Sports (Jindabyne NSW)
Active Body In Balance (Qld)
One Planet
Orangeville Foot Clinic (Ontario)
Kidney March Store (limited to short white)
Operators Coffee Club (Denmark)
Smartasker (Sweden: Norway: EU-countries: )
Axis Podiatry (North West England),
ArmaSkin Hiking Magazine contributors
ArmaSkin edits the ArmaSkin Hiking Magazine which brings together a collection of hiking related articles from across the world of hiking bloggers.
Our regular contributors include:
Diane Spicer's Hiking For Her , a superb compilation of hiking resources with a bias towards female hikers.
Darren Edwards' Trail Hiking Australia , a leading resource of Australian hikes and hiking tips.
Jessica Tejera's The Walking Mermaid Blog , a blog that focuses on educating young children in a world of hiking.
Art Huseonica's Arizonian Explorer , describes Art's many trail blazing adventures.
If you have a blog and would like to have it considered as a potential feed for the Magazine simply contact This is not a commercial arrangement it is simply a way for your blog to receive additional exposure while helping us to provide interesting content for our readers.
Attendance at Expos and Events
ArmaSkin will consider invitations to participate in Expos and Events where its products may be relevant to participants. To explore this opportunity simply email to start discussions. Commercial considerations will be taken into account.
Free Reading
Customers receive the regular monthly ArmaSkin News which is a comprehensive report on news related to ArmaSkin and its many adventurers around the globe.
ArmaSkin also issues a FREE ArmaSkin Hiking Magazine which captures interesting stories from across the web related to hiking and presents them as a handy and easy 15 minute relaxing read for any hiking enthusiast. You can register for this Magazine via this link: FREE Magazine! Also included from time to time are special offers from ArmaSkin.
To register for this free reading simply enter your email at the bottom of the page: “To Get News From ArmaSkin.
As well as interesting news from our customers these often contain news of new products and special offers.